Yes. At this point, a percentage of the total budget every year was devoted to support the ethnic press. I don't know how much that portion was, but we were arguing always for a bigger part because much of their total amount was going to the mainstream media.
As I've said before, the last three years, my members have not been receiving even a penny from the Government of Canada. I believe that the last year even the Government of Ontario cut down in advertisement, although next year we are going to have elections here and now I hear that they are preparing a budget for advertisement. And besides all those things, if you allow me, the Government of Quebec, for example, instead of supporting the ethnic press or the press as an industry, imposed a new taxation on the circulation of the papers for environmental reasons, which means these people not only don't receive a penny, but now they have to start paying to the Government of Quebec for circulating 10,000 copies or 15,000 copies or 5,000 copies. This is going to—