What happened through our system, as we just discussed in the EI stream, is that expectant mothers who were answering “yes” to the question “Are you pregnant?” despite having applied for the CERB and more appropriately getting the CERB, were getting the regular EI benefits.
I had committed to addressing this, and I had also committed that no woman who was on the CERB would in any way have her entitlement to EI maternity or parental benefits impacted. As of last Friday, expectant mothers who should have been receiving the CERB will have their claims converted retroactively.
Just for precision, this means that, if a woman was receiving less than $500, she would get a top-up to $500. If she had been receiving more than $500, she will not have that money clawed back. In addition, the weeks during which she had been collecting the CERB will not impact the number of weeks. If weeks need to be put back into her personal entitlement, that will happen as well.
We wanted to make sure that nobody was in any way detrimentally or adversely impacted by this system challenge we were facing, so it has been solved.