We can go to Mr. Drouin first, but my thought is that I want to avoid duplication, as you commented. I have been watching and reading the blues of a lot of the other committees. There are a lot of good questions, but then stonewalling or no answers. As much as I want to avoid duplication, it's more important that Canadians get answers to a lot of these questions we're asking.
The only other thought I would have on the lineup we have coming is that perhaps Minister Anand should appear at the same meeting as Minister HajduMinister Hajdu. What we saw again today is a perfect example. We ask a valid question, and it gets punted to another department, and the answer is “Well, that's not my department.” We saw it previously when Minister Anand was here and passed the buck on to Health Canada or PHAC. We asked PHAC today. They passed the buck on to Health Canada.
I think it's time to get them both in the same room to end this pointing at someone who's not here and delaying very important answers to very important questions that are being posed.