[Technical difficulty—Editor] sure. The measures put in place by the government so far, although I don't have the exact numbers off the top of my head...and it also depends on whether you include loans and loan guarantees or just fiscal spending. A deficit of 12% of GDP is slightly higher than several of our international peer countries, with whom we usually compare ourselves. That being said, we haven't done a thorough analysis of what's being done abroad, because we have focused on the Canadian situation.
Japan, for example, has recently announced efforts that are significant in relation to the size of their economy. As you mentioned, some European countries are doing efforts that are slightly lower than what we have announced in Canada, while other countries are doing slightly more. For example, you mentioned France. While France is doing probably less as a proportion of the economy than Canada is, the European Union is also pooling its resources to help affected countries. It makes international comparisons a bit more difficult.
That's why I wouldn't venture into too much detail as to how we compare internationally, because my office has not done that work, at least not to the extent that I would feel comfortable talking about the various situations of each country compared with Canada.