To answer that, first of all there was no clarity on how the contracts were let. As the federal government had mentioned, there were thousands of companies that put up their hand to say that they could support manufacturing of PPE, but there was no transparency or clarity on how those contracts were provided, who got them and what criteria was given. That was a huge concern.
We still have a concern that we will continue to not have enough PPE going forward and not enough domestic manufacturers. It's one thing to say that you can do it, but it's another thing to say you can do it in the time we need it.
Not only do hospitals need PPE, but manufacturers need PPE to keep their people safe and to keep producing.
We have some grave concerns on how the contracts were let and what benchmarks are being used to make sure that those contracts that were sole-sourced have deliverables on them. We're concerned that we are going to continue to have shortages of PPE, not only on the medical side, but on the manufacturing side.