Thank you so much for that really important question.
Anti-black racism is real. It impacts the lives of millions of our fellow citizens. We have done a lot, but more work needs to be done. We have supported black Canadians through a $25-million investment in building capacity and infrastructure in black Canadian community organizations so they can better serve black Canadians. We are the first government to sign on to the UN Decade for People of African Descent, which has a number of commitments under it. We are committed to making sure we address the aspirations of black Canadians to live a life free of anti-black racism. We will continue that work together with members of the black Canadian community who, as a result of the marches and the calls to action, are asking us to listen more carefully to their lived reality and to address their aspirations in a way that is inclusive and that pays particular attention to the reality of anti-black racism in Canada.