I appreciate the question, especially because I did not get to deliver my opening remarks.
We actually have evolved in our procurement during the pandemic and have reached a consistent pace of deliveries. There continue to be challenges, as I have mentioned. The demand for PPE is extremely high, globally and domestically, so we are constantly evolving and adapting our approach. We have an A-to-Z procurement process established. We have approximately one flight a day arriving in Canada, and we're delivering supplies in the short term and the long term.
We've also offered assistance to individual health care centres and to provinces and territories that need it, so there's a very collaborative approach that is occurring in procurement. We've succeeded in securing contracts with a wide range of suppliers. We're receiving deliveries on an almost daily basis now.
As we move to the next phase of the response, we are launching RFPs to solicit the goods that we need over the required timelines. We're continuing to source through our Buyandsell.gc.ca call-out to suppliers, based on the needs as they continue to evolve.
With regard to procurement, the purchasing of PPE continues—and is very important to front-line health care workers, obviously—but we are reaching a more stable, consistent pace of deliveries.