I didn't have a chance to provide detail on the role of the supply council earlier. From the beginning, we've been working with partners at all levels of government and with industry to secure life-saving medical equipment so that we can keep front-line health care workers safe. We as the federal government can do our part in the procurement effort.
As part of that process, we put in place the supply council. It brings together a diverse range of leaders to provide advice on establishing further diversified supply chains for key items so that we are prepared for any eventuality. This council builds on our collaborative approach to help us address current and future supply challenges and to ensure that Canadians are able to access PPE. The supply hub I just mentioned is one innovation that the supply council was able to provide advice on in terms of ensuring we have enough resources for diverse communities across this country.
The council is in place to provide advice on our work, but it has no role in procurement whatsoever.