Thank you very much.
Again, I just wanted to reiterate some of the comments that were made by my colleagues in terms of making sure that the study, or this discussion, is focused on the appropriate elements and the appropriate witnesses and the appropriate people. I can tell you that our minister, Minister Qualtrough, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, stated in the status of women committee that she really had no line of sight on this particular issue. She was not involved on this file and on this issue. Again, just to reiterate, I think we're all interested here in moving forward with this discussion, this debate and this study, but I think it behooves us as well to make sure that we maintain a focus on the appropriate areas of study.
I just wanted to add my voice and say that I definitely support waiting until the finance committee completes its work as well, so that we have additional information with which to work. I think that's a sensible path forward.