Thank you for that unexpected comment. I appreciate it.
As you know, we are the central purchaser and we are spearheading the consolidated purchase of emergency supplies and services required for Canada, including at the federal, provincial and territorial levels. We are procuring a wide range of emergency supplies and services at the request of the Public Health Agency of Canada, which is spearheading the asks from territorial and provincial partners.
As your comment suggests, hospital systems are also asking for our assistance, and we are providing transportation services from China for many different partners, including provinces, territories, hospital systems and conglomerates of health care providers, so that we can ensure that our front-line health care workers have the supplies they need.
It's not a competitive approach as much as it is a collaborative approach among people, partners, organizations and governments in Canada. We're all focused on the same goal, which is to make sure that front-line health care workers and Canada's health care professionals have exactly what they need.