At present, the focus is on the reagents. That has been the bottleneck. To perform these types of tests, you need to have, as has been mentioned, swabs. You need to have reagents. You need to have disposable plastic parts. You need to have equipment and you need to have trained personnel. Across Canada, within the provincial health laboratories, we have a very robust installed base of equipment and people, but there were bottlenecks up front in terms of the chemicals and in terms of swabs, which has been a big point in the media over the past several weeks.
We decided that our expertise could best be suited to helping with the reagent side of things, which had been the most unique and most critical bottleneck. That's where we focused our initial efforts, working with PHAC. As I mentioned, we're now looking at a larger, broader and more turnkey solution that provides all of those parts, which we have experience building. We have a lot of capacity and a lot of expertise on especially the reagent side.