Thank you, Mr. Paul-Hus.
You're right. With respect to the funding voted on by Parliament for the various COVID-19 support measures, we don't have access to the same level of information that we did before. That has only been the case since Parliament was prorogued.
Prior to prorogation, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance was receiving biweekly updates on spending committed to date for the various support measures. When Parliament was prorogued, committees ceased to exist and the updates stopped. Like many people around the country, I was expecting the biweekly updates provided to the Standing Committee on Finance, and Canadians as a whole, to resume once Parliament and committees started back up in September and October. That did not happen, however.
For the time being, then, we have a set of program cost estimates, but those estimates cover the entire year. What we are still missing is the amount spent to date on each of the programs. That information is harder to obtain. That said, it is not impossible to provide the information given that the government had been doing so up until the beginning of August.