Thank you, gentlemen.
I was curious because I know that when certain parties were all contemplating raising the minimum wage, the federal government, it only applied to federally regulated businesses. I figured that if we can only raise the minimum wage in federally regulated businesses, then, obviously, when you create other whistle-blowing acts, it may not apply, but I was curious to hear your opinion.
The other question I have has to do with culture and whether you've been advising organizations on how to create a culture of openness within the system.
I know, Mr. Cutler, that a lot of public servants continue to reach out to you. How do you instill a culture of openness? We can pass all the laws we want, but we know that people break the law, and unfortunately, sometimes you have to go to court to make sure who is right. However, even before we get to that point, have you been advising folks on how to create a culture of openness, making sure that when something is wrong then there can be that discussion with their superiors—unless it's criminal, obviously?