Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I'm going to start off with a bit of a summary in terms of how I have understood the briefing by Commissioner Maynard, and then I'm going to ask the commissioner to let me know how she feels about that assessment. The takeaway is that this government claims to be open by default, but the access to information system had already entered into a critical phase before the pandemic and, if I understand correctly, could soon be beyond repair if certain serious problems are not resolved. It came off as very alarming. The overall message that I took is the commissioner has identified the following issues as key in improving our country's access to information.
You've stated quite clearly, I think, here today—and I thank you for your candour—that there's inadequate leadership and a lack of clear guidelines on transparency and disclosure expectations, that there is a pressing need to innovate and to allocate enough resources to the access to information system, and that there is a necessity to properly document decisions and to efficiently manage institutions' information. The fourth point I took away is that records need to be declassified in a timely manner.
Does that accurately represent your briefing to this committee?