It's a suggestion.
I really do appreciate your candour. This is really important. Again, this is a government that claims to be open by default and almost all of whose mandate letters give directions to ministers to be open by default, and yet we hear time and time again not just from you but from the public as well about the challenges that have been presented. We heard extensive testimony and suggestions around whistle-blowers in previous aspects.
When I look to the south, to the American example, we like to pretend our government is much further advanced in comparison, but theirs has multiple ways for proactive disclosure to happen that we do not have here as it relates to lobbyists and as it relates to just the way in which these files are managed.
At the beginning of the pandemic, the Treasury Board Secretariat tracked the operation status of the federal institutions' ATIP offices and found that 46 out of the 265 offices could operate at full capacity and that all but one were operating at partial capacity.
To what extent has the federal government kept you informed of the status of ATIP offices within federal institutions?