I think there's definitely a need for closing the loop on procurement. Even with some of the procurement we saw specifically with PPE, indigenous businesses were not eligible for or were not able to obtain the contract. When they asked to have a debrief to understand why, the answer was that it was a closed competitive procurement, and the way that procurement was set up did not allow for a debrief. So you have a number of indigenous businesses that may have specifically pivoted to provide PPE, and have now invested in being able to provide that, that do not have the opportunity to understand why their bid was not accepted.
I think the other opportunity is that those contracts that are under $25,000, that do not have to go through an RFP process, often go to the same businesses that you would normally use. We need to be able to grow the networks and connect through capacity building to indigenous businesses so that they can start to access those other opportunities as well. We have had some great opportunity with the office of small and medium enterprise to conduct webinars for indigenous businesses to understand how best to do business with the government.