The most recent estimates from National Defence, putting the costs at about $56 billion to $60 billion, are from 2017. You might think that these estimates are a bit out of date, but a few days ago, National Defence reaffirmed that it's certain that the estimated costs of $56 billion to $60 billion from four years ago are still valid today. I don't see why there's such a big gap between our estimates and National Defence's, or why National Defence is coming up with costs that are so much lower than ours.
That said, I have full confidence in the reliability of the cost estimates provided by Ms. Malanik and Mr. Penney, who are with me today.
No information provided by National Defence suggested that the costs could have been lower than what we estimated. If we had had information that would have enabled us to estimate costs closer to those of the department, we would have done so. The information provided led us to the result of $77 billion.