That's an interesting aspect. In all the scenarios in our report, all the ships would indeed be built in Canada. The loss of Canadian expertise or strategic aspects would not be significantly different because the ships would all be built domestically. What we looked at was the difference in cost of the different designs that could have been chosen or that could be chosen if we were, for example, to go with a hybrid model.
With respect to the strategic objective of having domestic shipbuilding capacity, that's outside of the scope of the report, and these are aspects that are difficult to put a price tag on, but that are important considerations for decision makers like yourselves, members of the committee. Again, we didn't touch that in the report. It's important to keep in mind that, regardless of the type of ships that would be chosen, the assumption in our report is that they would all be built in Canada. We did not consider outsourcing to other countries or buying ships that would be built abroad.