We certainly appreciate your spending time with us. Just over two weeks ago, I think, you were here on the supplementary estimates. As I said, it's good to see you again.
I want to focus my questions on vaccine targets. We've just finished quarter one. I've been listening to what different politicians have been saying. I know that there's a lot of misinformation out there. We heard that no Canadian would be vaccinated until 2030 and that Canada would be at the back of the line with regard to vaccines. There continue to be politicians who are saying that Canada continues to be at the back of the line. I know that these statements are not accurate, because we have third party verification. We have a COVID-19 tracker, which I look at every day to see where we're at. I know that this is not a government body.
Could you speak for a moment with regard to the first quarter of this year and how our vaccine procurement program progressed?