Thank you for the question.
One example I would point to as a tangible undertaking and outcome has been the work Indigenous Services Canada has done with Cando during the COVID-19 pandemic. A task force was led to identify where indigenous businesses could meet the demand for personal protective equipment, for example, as a response to the pandemic, and to ensure that capacity was well leveraged with the federal government's buying power in response to the need for PPE.
In addition, that study was able to identify where there were potential gaps in what indigenous businesses could provide, which was very useful to be able to target certain parts of the market and ensure we were leveraging indigenous procurement as much as possible.
There are a number of other studies. I could point also to a recent study that was undertaken by the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, which again outlines essentially where capacity exists and where there may be capacity gaps, which allows Indigenous Services Canada to then target our outreach and capacity building with those suppliers.