Mr. Chair, obviously, I can't speak on behalf of other federal departments and agencies in their rollout of their programs and activities. From a procurement perspective, as I indicated, in addition to the policy and the electronic procurement solution that we're putting in place, we will be developing a program to be able to operationalize these activities so we can identify and ensure that, when it comes to procurement, we have under-represented groups that are not only going to be participating, but hopefully....
The goal is to be able to ensure they are winning contracts when it comes to federal procurement. I mentioned the Black Canadian procurement pilot. We also undertook two years of socio-economic experimentation where we sought to diversify our supplier base through a number of procurement activities.
Those are some of the things we're doing to be able to see what will work.
The last point I would make is with regard to questions about whether companies are appropriate for whatever category or group we might be looking for in terms of the procurement. That's also the reason we want to speak with external organizations in terms of their approaches for defining, certifying and establishing databases so we are not asking procurement officers to make those decisions.