If I could interject, would that have been suitable? I'm glad you brought up Connaught, $500-million investment in Connaught.... We're looking at potentially $8 billion in expenditures for our vaccines in this response. Of course, I'm not interested in what the cost per unit price is at the moment, but I'm remiss to note all of the money that's being sunk into the private sector without our having any equity. We don't have any nationalized domestic production timelines on the horizon, and it feels like announcement after announcement is throwing money into the private sector.
If I understand this correctly, sir, I know that you have a past relationship with Sanofi. In your opinion, had we stayed the course with Connaught Labs, is there a scenario in mind—I know this is 2020 now and this is hindsight—where a national producer could have been ahead of the curve, given the amount of money that we've invested in the research and development of a lot of this technology?