Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to use this time to revisit a notice of motion that I've placed. I've sent it out to your P9s. It's to hopefully get to the heart of the matter, which is controlling the controllables and having a better understanding about how we might be able to offset some of the losses we're experiencing through this Crown corporation.
I'm going to move the following:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(c)(ix), the committee undertake a study of the Public Sector Pension Investment Board's (PSP) ownership of Revera Inc., and that the committee invite witnesses including, but not limited to, the Chair of PSP and the Chair of Revera Inc.
I will just take a moment, Mr. Chair, to speak to that. Members of this committee will recall that I tabled this earlier in the year. I think it is appropriate given that we're hearing today in the news and understanding that there is very little we can control. This is one of the things I believe we can control.
Given the purview of this committee and the conversations that have arisen today, I think we should go ahead and call the appropriate people to this committee to give us some kind of assurance that as a Crown corporation, even at arm's length, they are working within the parameters of best practices around public health and safety and workers' health and safety. I think this is the way to do it.