Maybe what I will do—notwithstanding the fact that we will have Hansard and that his staff will pick up this question—is borrow a line from our good chair and ask, through you, if he could provide in writing his direct statement from the deputy minister on whether or not the Treasury Board is consulted on contingent liabilities.
Mr. Chair, by way of comment, I'll just share with you that it's disconcerting for me that significant potential outstanding liabilities don't seem to have a place that is front and centre in the minds of the Treasury Board. I thought, maybe wrongly so, but it was my understanding from this committee for public accounts, that the Treasury Board ultimately had at least some kind of cursory process obligation for approval. It would have some kind of high-level understanding of what's coming and going out of all the departments.
I'm hearing today that this might not be the case in a practical way, as it relates to the questions I'm asking, so maybe I'll get that in writing at a future date.