Yes, Mr. Drouin. Thank you very much.
We have heard some great questions and answers. I look at the time, recognizing that we have to go in camera. If we go into the next round, it would take us well past that point.
I'll remember not to put it under my keyboard anymore. I appreciate that.
With that said, I would like to thank the witnesses for being with us today—all five of you, although Mr. Jones, Mr. Perron, Mr. Brouillard did all the answering. We appreciate that. You did indicate that you might have to look up some further questions and respond to us. If you would do that and respond to the clerk with those answers, it would be greatly appreciated.
We go now from the public portion of this committee to the in camera portion meeting. When I suspend the meeting, the technical staff will end this part of the meeting in Zoom. This means that members cannot remain logged into this meeting. You will have to go out and then come back in using the pass code the clerk has sent to you.
I will suspend the meeting until we're back together in a couple of minutes.
[Proceedings continue in camera]