When you have a contact, it can work, but when you don't, you're left spinning in the void.
In the beginning, the government [Technical difficulty—Editor]; we understand that. The situation was urgent.
However, when the government asked everyone in Canada to make an effort, everyone did. When we realized that they were buying products from China or elsewhere in the world, we didn't understand why, since Canada has products to offer. It's problematic, obviously.
Mr. Dyck, you mentioned on December 11 that it was obscene. That's what we read in an article. You mentioned that everyone had set up their equipment, their production and you had kept your staff instead of asking for subsidies.
In your opinion, did the government fail to help SMEs? On the one hand, some SMEs closed down and applied for subsidies and waited. On the other hand, and this is your case, you made a big effort, but you lost out?
Is that how you see it?