At the heart of it, it just was not what I expected from the officials we elected. I'm not putting blame on any one person; sometimes it's just the system itself. The article was also in relation to the fact that we had just found out at the provincial level that, although the provincial government had asked me to go ahead and ask all of our distillers to step up and said it would pay for it, it decided as well to not do that. In turn, it also went and bought from outside of B.C.
It was almost a double sucker punch. At that time, I think it is fair to say that I don't think there's anyone here who could look at anyone else here and say they would not be disappointed. As a Canadian, they would expect to see this possibly south of the border or in another country but not here in Canada.
It is time for us to step up, just look at things and hopefully make a change that could make Canada a better place, a more caring place. Otherwise, we're going to lose individuals like all of our colleagues across Canada who are going to become more and more cynical. It is going to become more divided. You're going to have people not stepping up and doing the right thing.
I think there's a time when we need to have Canada's back.