Thank you, Minister, and welcome back.
I want to get to the topic of PPE and forced labour. We asked you and your department in one of our previous meetings about how we can be sure that we're not buying PPE and other items made with forced labour.
The New York Times has reported that the number of companies in the Uighur territory making PPE has gone from five to 50. They have reported that PPE made with forced labour is being shipped to North America.
We asked your department, and the comment that came back back was that you have a two-step process. One, the companies self-attest that they're not using forced labour. The second one is that you ask them to certify that their first-tier suppliers comply, and also that they haven't faced criminal charges in that country.
The Liberal government's recent appointment to the UN, Bob Rae, called China out on its treatment of Uighurs as genocidal. In light of that, are you comfortable with your department's answer regarding the word of a genocidal country that they're not using forced labour to make PPE to sell to Canada? Do you find that acceptable?