However, why is PSPC not following our own laws? Under the changes made July 1, 2020, it states that you have to map out the supply chain, yet our government is not.
I will go back to Mr. Drouin's trying to call a point of order. In the contracting policy from TBS, it states in subsection 8.2.1: “Role of the ministers. The minister is ultimately responsible to Parliament for all contracting activity.”
Mr. Matthews, no offence, but I want to hear from the minister. It is her responsibility under the contracting policy, subsection 8.2.1. We asked this question months ago. She's had plenty of time to come up with an answer. The Government of Canada's rep to the UN has stated that the Chinese are committing genocide against the Uighurs, yet our own government will not follow our own laws on PPE. The USMCA actually has a rule—I think it's article 5.1—about not allowing purchase of forced labour, yet our government will not follow our own laws.