Yes, absolutely.
Last year's number was $1.278 billion. This year's number is $1.587 billion. The increase is about $309 million overall. In terms of the main categories or the main drivers of that, it's really in what we call “predictable” capital funding. That's very much around our property portfolio. That's where the bulk of that is. This year it's $547 million, which is by far the largest number. That's an increase of about $307 million over last year.
As the deputy indicated, one of the challenges is that the numbers aren't quite an apples to apples comparison, because some of the numbers last year were mixed between vote 1 and vote 5. This year's numbers are more pure in terms of the vote 5 number, so $547 million is a pure number.
I'm not sure, Mr. Chair, if that covers it.