I'm sorry about that, Mr. Chair.
I'm interested here in the 12th meeting. It was scratched out in Raphaëlle's new version. This is the one where we're hearing from a number of businesses on e-commerce, software and digital media. Knowing how incredibly important that's going to be to the way we conduct our business in government—how we communicate, how we conduct meetings and whatnot—I'm just wondering if the committee would be interested in including that as a conversation and actually listening to private sector companies. Maybe this would give us a sense of where things may be going and where we might be able to improve some of the services we offer.
I'm wondering if that might not be something that would be a valuable discussion. I'm just putting that out there and floating that idea there. It just seems like a really good opportunity for us to get a sense of what may be coming down the pike from some of these companies and some of the experts in that field.