Yes, Mr. Chairman.
I guess my point is that I'm trying to listen. I always try to see if there is consensus. I'm trying to listen to the members of the committee. I think the issues we've raised are real and legitimate. Nobody knows what the stock is right now. At the very least, we need to amend the date of January 31, 2022. I mean, that's at the very least, because nobody knows when it would be possible to accomplish this. We need to use the words “as soon as reasonably possible”.
Mr. Chairman, maybe I made an error in trying to put together multiple components into one amendment. If there is unanimous consent to withdraw the amendment, I'd be prepared to move simply the timeline as an amendment. Then we could take things one by one. I don't think the word “deplores” is right, but I can make that a separate issue.
For me, if we want to not prolong this meeting forever, I would be okay with withdrawing the three-part amendment that I put forward and simply proposing to amend things by removing the date of January 31, 2022, and saying “as soon as reasonably possible”.
I would need unanimous consent to withdraw and then remake that simple smaller amendment. If my colleagues want to do that and we want to try to foster a spirit of collegiality, I would be prepared to do that.