It was a few weeks. So we're looking at an almost tripling of a price because of two weeks lost.
The reason I'm bringing that up is that I'm looking at a forensics from a company. Fincantieri shut down for a couple of weeks. With the U.S. Navy, there were no major disruptions. Several were encouraging employees to work from home.
We've heard repeatedly excuse after excuse after excuse, “Oh, it was COVID.” ISI shut down for two weeks out of a two-year period, and you're blaming a tripling of cost on two weeks. I do not find that acceptable. I don't think taxpayers find that acceptable. I don't think the men and women in our navy find these continual delays acceptable, blaming it on COVID.
I'd like you to provide to this committee, in writing, an exact breakdown, from both shipyards, on how many hours were lost, by month, please, due to COVID, because I do not believe your excuse of COVID for these massive cost overruns and delays.