Normally, we look to official records of the organization, however they might be maintained. I guess it's important to highlight that items like text messages, emails or MS Teams conversations are meant to be transitory unless they're of business value, in which case they should be saved and kept in official repositories or official documentation.
In this case, because there was so much missing information that the files were rather thin, we did turn to these transitory documents to try to, hopefully, fill in some of the blanks, but when it came to a proposal, as I mentioned earlier, while we were told that the decision was based on a proposal submitted by GC Strategies, there was none for us to review or look at.
We didn't need a big deck. We would have expected anything to just outline what GC Strategies could do and to demonstrate how they had the skills and competencies to deliver on the needs of the government, and we did not see that.