Okay. Perhaps we'll follow up outside of this meeting. My understanding was that a letter was supposed to have come from the committee, requesting a particular audit.
I wanted to raise another issue. I think one of the most troubling revelations to come out of this larger inquiry into ArriveCAN has to do with something that's outside the scope of the audit that we're talking about today, and that is the charging of commissions by subcontractors.
We understand that those commissions can be between 15% and 30%. You've made comments about value for money for the Canadian public. If there are two layers of subcontractors working on these projects and each of them charges a 30% commission, then all of a sudden you're in a position where more than half the money is going to people who don't necessarily do any work on the actual project.
Now, it seems like this is something that we need to get a better sense of, and I wonder if you, as Auditor General, can point this committee in a direction in terms of how we can investigate further this issue of commission charged by subcontractors who don't do any work and the cost that is imposing on the public purse.