Thank you very much, Chair.
I want to affirm and agree with everything that my colleague has said.
I want to just make a couple of comments about the general principle here. What are we actually talking about in terms of the powers of Parliament?
We have a massive, breaking scandal that has clearly gripped the attention of Canadians. This is the ArriveScam scandal.
As part of that unfolding scandal, we at the government operations committee have been trying to get to the bottom of what happened and who was responsible by calling witnesses and putting direct, challenging questions to them. We've been able to proceed I think fairly effectively with this investigation for a number of months. We've been hearing different witnesses and uncovering critical information as part of this scandal. Now, the level of public interest and engagement with this has significantly grown after the reports of the procurement ombudsman and the Auditor General, with even more devastating information.
We believe that in this scandal, or in any scandal, it's important for parliamentary committees to be able to do their work and get to the bottom of what happened.
Now we have this problem. The problem is that a number of witnesses are showing flagrant disregard for the critical role and the rights of parliamentary committees. We're not just here as individuals. We're here on behalf of the Canadians who sent us here and who want us to investigate this scandal and be able to undertake other investigations of other matters.
In order to do our job, we have to be able to bring witnesses before us—witnesses who may not be that keen on testifying because they have things that we might want to ask them about that are actually embarrassing for them. The principle has to be that parliamentary committees are able to do their work on behalf of Canadians and that means being able to bring witnesses.
When we have two separate instances of summons being sent to the same individuals and they refuse to testify, the committee must use its powers to insist that those individuals appear. This is really where the rubber hits the road and where members of all other parties have to consider whether they believe that we should be able to actually hear from the witnesses we need to hear from and get to the bottom of this or not.
The only way that this committee can enforce its insistence on hearing from these witnesses is adopting this motion, which will have the effect of enforcing the committee's demand that these individuals appear.
Darren Anthony, one of the two partners at GC Strategies, has never appeared before this committee. In all the time this has gone on, we have never heard from Mr. Anthony. We've heard once from Mr. Firth, but there was so much obvious trouble with his testimony and so many obvious gaps. He effectively admitted under questioning, actually from a colleague across the way, to a process that involved the forging of résumés, altering résumés and then seeing if the changes were okay.
We need to hear from these individuals who are at the centre of this scandal. I understand that they may not want to appear. Their company got $20 million, as far as we know, according to the Auditor General's report, for the ArriveCAN app. They essentially got the contracts and subcontracted them without doing any work. They got $20 million as a company simply for looking on LinkedIn and passing contacts and résumés on to the government, in many cases, as we now know, with alterations made to those résumés. These two guys have a lot to answer for and we need to hear from them.
Moreover, Chair, we cannot abide the principle that people at the centre of a massive national scandal can simply blow off a parliamentary committee. If we take our jobs seriously and if we take the integrity of the parliamentary process seriously, then we must insist that people who are told that they have to appear before a committee are actually made to appear before that committee, particularly when these are the individuals who are at the very centre of the scandal.
These two partners at GC Strategies are the ones who got the ArriveCAN contract. They're the ones who made the money. They're the ones who had the relationships within government and the public service. They're the ones who can actually shed some light on this.
It's up to committee members now to ask, “Do we take our jobs seriously? Do we take our role seriously? Are we willing to do what is required to get to the bottom of this?”, or are we going to establish a precedent so that any time there's a scandal and someone says, “I don't want to appear,” and comes up with some excuse for it, we just let them get away with it?
Conservatives say we don't let them get away with that. Conservatives say any party that's serious about investigating the ArriveScam scandal and getting to the bottom of what happened needs to support this motion.