Chair, I don't need any clarification from Mr. Kusmierczyk. It's quite clear that if there is not agreement in the subcommittee to the accommodation, then the meeting doesn't happen. Having the meeting behind closed doors is the opportunity for the Liberals to kill it, just like they were trying to do with their filibuster.
I don't have confidence in them, so I would be unable to support an element of this motion that removes the transparent nature of public debate and discussion. Good faith hasn't been shown to this point, so that's not a courtesy that we can support.
If there are discussions to have, the discussions should happen in public. If the commitment is that the committee will discuss accommodations in public, then there's transparency, and that is a different conversation we can have. As for closed doors, cameras off, backroom deals where there's an opportunity for the cover-up coalition to engage, I can't abide that.