Thank you very much.
I have a motion requesting that documents be produced—as if I didn't have enough to read already. I'll read it out to refresh your memory. The interpreters have the translation, and you were also emailed the text of the motion a few moments ago. It reads:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(1), the committee order the government and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) to produce, in both official languages, a copy of all contracts, communications, memoranda, calls for tenders and proposal submissions with GC Strategies in the context of the COVID Alert application, as well as all government or internal communications from any government agency or department in connection with the COVID Alert application, and that they be submitted no later than March 15, 2024, provided that these documents are free of all redactions.
COVID Alert is another app that was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was supposed to tell us whether people around us had COVID-19, which involved sharing personal information. It more or less worked, and I would say “less” rather than “more”. It was pretty bad.
In December 2020, GC Strategies was awarded part of the contract that it had not been awarded at the outset. That company was added to the contract. I'd like to be able to wrap my head around how that happened. How could simple consultants infiltrate an existing contract? This time, were these people able to provide services commensurate with what they had submitted in their bid, or did they once again work on résumés and submit names to, in the end, provide resources other than those originally promised?
In addition, GC Strategies is run by Kristian Firth and Darren Anthony, who also owned Coredal Systems Consulting Inc., and I will have another motion requesting that documents be produced about that company. For now, however, I suggest that we start discussing the motion I have just put forward.