Good morning, Mr. Chair and members of the committee. Thank you for the invitation to appear before you today.
We are pleased to be here to discuss our report on the supplementary estimates (C) 2023-24, which was published on February 22, 2024. With me today are our lead analysts on the report, Jill Giswold and Kaitlyn Vanderwees.
The government's supplementary estimates (C) for 2023-24 outline $13.2 billion in budgetary spending authorities. Voted authorities, which require approval by Parliament, total $8.9 billion. Statutory authorities, for which the government already has Parliament's permission to spend, total $4.3 billion. This increase is largely driven by a $3.2-billion increase in interest on unmatured debt.
Major areas of planned spending in the government's final supplementary estimates for 2023-24 include personnel, national defence, indigenous programs and student financial assistance.
Supplementary estimates (C) include a further $409 million for budget 2023 measures, bringing total planned spending to date on budget 2023 to $10.4 billion, excluding off-cycle measures. To support parliamentarians in their scrutiny of budget 2023 implementation, we have prepared and published tracking tables that list all budget initiatives, the planned spending amounts and the corresponding legislative funding authority.
We'd be pleased to answer any questions you may have regarding our analysis of the estimates or any other work of the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer.
Thank you.