Unlike previous governments that have not done a refocused government spending initiative, we are actually working to repurpose funds that aren't being effectively utilized and making sure those funds are directed towards government policy. For example, we are moving towards ensuring that we are refocusing $15.8 billion over five years and $4.8 billion every year thereafter.
This is something that has not been done in this government. In fact, it is an objective that many advanced economies undertake.
For example, in the supplementary estimates before the holidays, I tabled $500 million of savings, of which $350 million was from third party contracts or professional services—money which can be then utilized towards our government's priorities while reducing the spending on outsourcing—and $150 million from executive travel. That's an example of the type of work we are doing in refocusing government spending.
As I said, we are on track to meet our objectives. We have achieved 97% of the targets for the first year of the refocused government spending initiative. It is a way to ensure that we are using taxpayer dollars efficiently and prudently.