Thank you, Charles.
Let me start with housing. A few weeks ago, we announced that Canada Lands Company will be creating almost 3,000 new houses, new homes, in the next year, and 26,000 in the next five years. Out of these 26,000 new homes in the next five years, 20% will be affordable homes. Roughly speaking, then, about 5,200 affordable homes will be built by Canada Lands Company in the next five years.
That compares with a total of 1,100 affordable homes in the last 25 years built by Canada Lands Company. You can see how effective Canada Lands Company and other organizations within the federal government can be when we give them the power, the tools, the incentives and the mandate to do good things for Canadians.
Let me speak to the announcement this morning again. This is good news. We're in 2024. We have data analytic abilities that we didn't have just a few years ago. When COVID-19 started, a very small proportion of contracts went through electronic procurement. Now about 98% of contracts go through electronic procurement. This is obviously very good for the efficiency and the equity of the procurement process. People have more access to information. It increases competition and gives better outcomes at a lower cost for Canadians. This is all very, very good, but it's also good because in 2024 it provides the government with an ability that wasn't there just a few years ago to detect fraud.
Those things don't happen by chance. You need to invest in those things. That's why, just a few months before the pandemic started, we decided in 2018 to invest in electronic procurement, in a type of tool that we will now be able to use with the office of supplier integrity and compliance, as we announced this morning.
These things are possible, but they don't happen automatically. You need to invest in them and then to make use of them, as we'll be able to do in the next months and years.
We spoke earlier to the three cases that we've already been able to detect and pursue, but then there will be more. Not only will there be more, but there will also be the signal to possible fraudsters who might want to commit fraud in 2024 that they should be very, very prudent. We have the tools now to detect and monitor their activities that didn't exist just a few months ago.