It's a pleasure to pose questions to you today, Mr. Giroux.
Earlier this week, I was speaking with a single mother working full-time along with having a side hustle from home, and a hundred per cent of her income is covering her mortgage. She relies solely on food banks and her credit card, which is maxed out. It's getting extremely difficult. A StatsCan report on food insecurity, released in November of last year, referred to female lone-parent families, or single mothers, as one of the highest groups—at 48%—experiencing food insecurity.
Food insecurity means more than just a child going hungry each week if their parents cannot afford groceries. Kids experiencing food insecurity are less likely to get the nutrition they need to grow healthy and develop, and they're more likely to develop mental health problems. When food prices go up and there's less money in the household budget, there really are significant impacts on health and wellness.
Here is my question to you: Is the intersection of food inflation and the carbon tax impacting the household budget?