I can tell you a couple of things.
The way I think most Albertans look at it is that the government is taking a dollar and promising to give back 75ยข. Everybody knows that's not a good deal. We've seen in the polling that people don't support the increase. They don't support the tax.
I can tell you that an MNP report from October 2023 showed that 51% of Canadians are $200 or less away from being unable to meet their financial obligations. We also find that 51% of people in Alberta say that their level of debt is concerning to them, and 71% say that they are worried about their ability to repay their debts.
We took a number of affordability measures in order to be able to offset these costs over the last number of years. Those represented forgone revenue of $7 billion. I'd be happy to itemize that if the member would like to ask me about it. We are now at a point where we have to run a balanced budget as well, and we're just asking for the federal government to recognize that it's their turn to do their part to ease the affordability crisis.