Yes, absolutely.
There are multiple layers to your question. How is federal procurement done? Is there a relationship component to federal procurement? The answer is absolutely yes, there is a relationship component to this, and that goes back to the point I was making about vendor performance management. How do you actively track this information about who the good performers and the poor performers are? You need to do that in a transparent way, and that's the problem. It's not being done.
Say you had a particularly bad experience with a particular supplier, and you never want to work with that supplier again. The system currently doesn't have a mechanism by which that could happen. Ultimately, what ends up happening is you use criteria as a methodology by which you create overly specific, restrictive criteria to ensure that the specific supplier cannot participate.
I saw the furrowed brows when I said there is no process to currently stop that from happening. Obviously, if someone is charged criminally, there are, in fact, ways to bar suppliers, but what I'm talking about is not of that nature. I'm talking about a supplier that just doesn't deliver in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. There's nothing criminal; it's just a poorly performing supplier.
At the end of the day, people want to deliver on their projects. When they are not given an opportunity to deliver on their project because the supplier that was hired using the process that was given ultimately doesn't deliver, it's frustrating for all people. It's not just frustrating for the taxpayer, but also for the government officials.
I can speak on their behalf for an instant. They're frustrated with the system as well. It's not just the contracting authority, but also the project authority. The project authority wants to deliver on the project and is being told what procurement tools to use. If those tools don't lead to the outcomes it wants, then you have to understand why it's looking at alternatives.