Sometimes the issue is that the client may not be fully aware of their needs and how to actually portray them vis-à-vis the scope of work. There are certainly instances, as we've identified in the report, in which reconsideration of the procurement strategy is appropriate. We had an example in which an ACAN, or an advance contract award notice, was contemplated for one of the contracts. It went to an internal review committee. That committee challenged the use of an ACAN and said they would prefer a more competitive process. Ultimately the procurement strategy was changed in that circumstance from an ACAN to the TSPS task-based, and so documentation was prepared to demonstrate a movement away from an ACAN to a task-based service.
The problem on that specific file arose when, after that happened, it was learned that McKinsey was not qualified under the task-based approach. There was a change in documentation associated with the solutions-based approach, and there wasn't documentation really identifying why that change was made.