That's a good question, and I think it is a fair question as well. Could we achieve better value for money for the taxpayer if the system worked more efficiently? The answer is absolutely yes.
I think there are mechanisms in government procurement that need to be reconsidered and that ultimately lead to a much more efficient system. Something that we hear—and I hate to use this word because it sounds like a broken record—is “simplification.” Simplification is always used in the context of trying to simplify what exists, but you're taking a very burdensome system and trying to make the burdensome system simpler. I think there's a different way to approach this problem. The real costs are time and money. A lot of time is spent on crafting procurement solutions, and a lot of money is ultimately wasted where competitions lead to no competitive tension in the pricing. Yes, there's an evaluation of whether the price is fair and reasonable in many instances, but there is no price tension that would ultimately result in a lower price for the taxpayer.