Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Ms. Reza, Ms. Royds, Mr. Laporte and Ms. Poulin, thank you for joining us today.
In response to the procurement ombud's report, PSPC stated in paragraph 118 that there were legitimate reasons for taking the approach it did when it awarded the non-competitive National Master Standing Offer, or NMSO, and using those reasons as the impetus for all subsequent call ups. This includes non-competitive call ups.
In your presentation, you said you welcomed the ombud's recommendations. However, the implication is that he was a bit out to lunch, if I can put it that way. That's my interpretation.
What are his reasons? How do you explain the fact that McKinsey & Company was awarded a non-competitive NMSO? The company has a trademark, data, and so on. We've heard it all before.
As far as data is concerned, the last time I checked, Canada still has a countrywide data collection system and specialists, paid for by taxpayers' money.
So why is McKinsey & Company, in particular, getting preferential treatment?