What I would add here is that when looking at the types of contracting that were done in the instance of McKinsey, you have the full range: we've used supply arrangements and standing offers, as well as competitive processes and sole-source. In each of those instances, there would be a different type of engagement with the industry members that would have been competing.
For instance, for the large-value contracts, we would have had an open process. We would have had a fairness monitor and others who would be involved to ensure that those were open, fair and transparent. In certain other circumstances, such as a low dollar-value contract, it's completely appropriate for us to deal directly with the supplier to negotiate the best possible price and work through that together. It's a negotiation process; it really is on a spectrum.
There are very clear guidelines and frameworks that are used for that type of industry engagement. As the deputy minister has indicated, we are encouraged to engage with our supplier community. It's something that we take very seriously to ensure that it's done professionally.
That's something we also work on with our client departments, which are the technical authorities. They're the ones responsible for defining the actual requirements of an individual contract. It's very important that they also be involved in this and respect the integrity of the process. That's something that our procurement officers work very hard to do, as well.