I call this meeting to order. Welcome to meeting number 119 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, known, of course, as the mighty OGGO.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(c) and the motion adopted by the committee on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, the committee resumes its study of federal government consulting contracts awarded to McKinsey & Company.
Before we begin, I will remind all members and other participants in the room of the following important preventative measures to protect our interpreters.
To prevent disruptive and potentially harmful feedback incidents that can cause injuries, all in-person participants are reminded to keep their earpieces away from the microphones at all times, as indicated. As per the note from the Speaker to members on Monday, April 29, the following measures are in force.
All earpieces have been replaced by a model that greatly reduces the probability of audio feedback. The new earpieces are black. The old ones are gray. If you have a gray one, please remove it immediately. By default, all unused earpieces are unplugged at the start of every meeting, so you'll need to plug in, please.
When you're not using your earpiece, please place it face down on the middle of the sticker to your right. Consult the cards on the table for guidelines to prevent audio feedback incidents. The room layout, you've noticed, has been changed to increase the distance between microphones to reduce the chance of feedback from ambient earpieces.
These measures are in place so that we can conduct our business without interruption and to protect the health and safety of our participants, mostly the interpreters.
Thanks, everyone, for your co-operation.
We will have a vote in about 45 minutes. If I can have unanimous consent, we will continue the meeting up until 10 minutes before the vote starts.