I'm not sure if I agree with the rationale we've been discussing on the date. If we're really wanting to delve deep into this issue, then perhaps going back 10 years, which is a more reasonable time, would be a little bit more logical.
When it comes to contracts, especially in government, we're all seasoned members of government and politicians. We know how slowly or how methodically things progress. To me, it doesn't really fly that it be the year it was decided that safer centres were going to be opened, whether it was in London or anywhere else in the country. What about the time before that? I think it would perhaps be a decent evaluation to see what the past has looked like. I think a decade would perhaps be a reasonable time.
I understand, Chair, that I cannot move a subamendment, but I did want to get that on the record. Perhaps after the discussion on this amendment we can perhaps entertain another amendment on the date specifically.
Thank you for listening and for entertaining what I had to say.